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What is ACC CoverPlus Extra?
If you are self-employed or a contractor you have two options for your Accident Compensation Cover - Standard CoverPlus (CP) CoverPlus Extra (CPX) You’ll automatically be placed on CoverPlus (CP) and Inland Revenue provides ACC with a summary of your earnings from your income tax return (IR3). This information, combined...

Setting goals for you and your business in 2024
The new year is a new beginning. If you are a business owner, this is often the time of year when you reflect on where you are at and think about your business goals for the year ahead. Setting goals is an essential part of personal and professional growth. These...

The Government’s Mini-Budget announced
The new Finance Minister, Nicola Willis announced savings via redirected funds and exiting projects in the government’s mini-budget. The new Finance Minister, Nicola Willis has revealed the government’s mini-budget, alongside Treasury’s half-year economic and fiscal update in Wellington. In its executive summary, Treasury that concluded that ‘although economic growth...

What is Profit and Loss?
When you’re in control of your profit and loss (P&L), you have a tighter hold on the reins of your profitability. What is Profit and Loss? Your Profit and Loss statement is commonly called your ‘P&L’. It’s also sometimes referred to as your...

What will a National-led government mean for your taxes?
We don’t yet know exactly how the new National-led coalition government will be formed. But we do know that National pledged to make some major changes to tax if it came into power. Here are some of the changes that could affect you: Tweaks...

Morrinsville Fireworks Extravaganza 2023
MBS Advisors proud sponsors of the Fireworks Extravaganza MBS Advisors are a proud sponsor of the Morrinsville Fireworks Extravaganza for another year. Saturday 4th November 2023 Morrinsville Recreatation Grounds....

How much should you pay yourself?
As a business owner, how much should you pay yourself? It depends on how much your business can afford, market pay rates, and whether reinvestment could pay dividends. Being the boss means you get to make all the big decisions about your business – including how much to pay yourself...

Introducing our newest Associate – Liam Crean
With immense pleasure, we celebrate Liam Crean's well-deserved promotion to Associate, recognizing his dedicated service and contributions to MBS Advisors. Liam recently completed his Certificate of Public Practice qualification and is looking forward to expanding his client portfolio and creating meaningful client relationships with a focus on creating...

Succession planning – defining roles in a family-owned business
In any business roles can blur, making it easy to lose sight of how many hats you wear every day. It's especially true of family businesses. When you need to put together long-term plans, clarifying key business roles can help articulate your goals. Whether you’re running a small family business...