
Making informed decisions when buying or selling a business

Buying and Selling A Business

If you are thinking about buying or selling a business, our team will guide you through the process and help you get the best results with services including:
- Independent advice on profitability, business structure, cashflows, staffing requirements, legal and financial matters.
- Advice on steps to be taken to achieve the best outcome when selling your business
- Business Appraisals

Buying or selling a business can be a challenging time for business owners, even if you have been in business for a while. With our team of business advisors around you, you can be confident your interests will be protected, and your goals met.

Make the best decisions when buying a business

Owning a business is more than just a job – it changes your life. Buying an existing business is a great way to start out, but you’ll need the right advice from experienced business advisors before you sign on the dotted line.

MBS Advisors shines a light on everything you need to know about a business, before you buy it. We will give you critical insight into its profitability, cashflow, staffing requirements, and any legal and financial implications. We’ll also advise you on whether it’s the right business to help you achieve your short- and long-term goals.

Once you have decided on buying a business, MBS Advisors can guide you through to ownership.

Get the best return when selling a business

When it’s time to sell your business, you want to get the best return. Just like when you put a house on the market, your business needs to be in the best shape to attract the right buyers. Our business advisors and Chartered Accountants can help you prepare your business for sale, and enlighten you on how to sell it, who to sell it to, and what it’s worth.

Potential buyers will want to know about your finances, business plan, succession planning, assets, risks, intellectual property and any legal issues. MBS Advisors will prepare an information memorandum outlining what buyers need to know, and the value your business can deliver.

MBS Advisors will also inform you of any taxes or obligations that may apply, and the different options you have for your business structure.

Contact us

Work with our Xero Certified Advisors to transform your business.

We want to see our clients succeed and achieve the best outcomes.

If you are thinking about buying or selling a business, MBS Advisors will guide you through the process & help you to get the best results & outcome.

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