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Entertainment Expenses – Income Tax and GST

The rules and exemptions for entertainment expenses can be complex. If you're not sure, check with us on common types of expenses and their tax treatment. As a general rule, if you provide entertainment for your team or clients, some of your business entertainment expenses are tax deductible. Some examples...

Key financial numbers to focus on in your business

What are the key reports to focus on in your business? We'll show you how to track performance, take action and prepare your company for surviving the new business normal. As a business owner, it’s never been more important to have a good grasp on your finances. For many businesses,...

Keeping up with Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT)

As an employer, if you provide fringe benefits to employees, or others associated with your business, you must generally pay fringe benefit tax (FBT) on the value of these benefits. So, when are you liable for FBT? Any time you provide non-cash benefits to your staff. The list is potentially...

A strong strategy is the heart of your successful business

Businesses that have clear objectives or goals, robust accountability and a shared sense of purpose should always outperform those that just show up and go through the motions. Strategy lies at the heart of most successful businesses. To achieve this you need to resource and execute with a clear purpose....

What does Budget 2022 mean for you?

With the cost of living soaring, interest rates rising and house prices falling, Budget 2022 aimed to deliver a little something to help the average household. So what’s in it for you? Support for rising household prices You get to enjoy at least some of the benefits of the latest...

Accounting Basics: The Profit and Loss Report

The profit and loss report is a key report when it comes to getting in control of your entity's financial health. What’s a profit and loss statement? Your profit and loss statement is commonly called your P & L, but is also referred to as your income statement or statement...

Minimum Wage – Issues for farming businesses in New Zealand

All New Zealand employers should understand their obligations under the Minimum Wage Act. Farming businesses can face questions that may not arise for other employers. From 1 April 2022 the minimum wage rates increase. The rates for adult workers are: Hourly: $21.20 ($16.96 for Starting-out workers/Trainees) Daily (based on an...

Looking after your own wellbeing and resilience in business

When you’re busy running a business, it can be easy to overlook your own wellbeing and mental health. Stress can have a serious effect on your ability to function and you can’t make consistently good decisions and lead your team if you’re under a weight of pressure or struggling with...

Cash Versus Accrual Accounting

Do you prefer cash accounting or accrual accounting? We can help you figure out what’s best for your business. The difference between cash basis and accrual basis accounting comes down to timing. When do you record revenue or expenses? If you do it when you pay or receive money,...

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