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New Zealand Tenancy Laws Are Changing

New legislation in NZ Tenancy Law brings in a number of changes for landlords and tenants. Below are some of the changes: Increasing Rent - From 12 August 2020, rent increases are limited to once every 12 months. This is a change from once every six months. Required Notice Periods...

Staying Afloat & Thriving in a Down Turn

When the future looks uncertain, what can you do to prepare and strengthen your business? Recent times have shown us that the future path of your business can change in an instant – often due to influences that are beyond our own control. The Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing global...

How does NZ Provisional Tax work?

Did you pay more than $5,000.00 in Terminal Tax with your last income tax return? If so, you may have to pay Provisional Tax for the following year. This is due to the threshold that triggers Provisional Tax requirements, which is currently set at $5,000. Provisional Tax is like...

Customer Relationships Are Now More Important Than Ever

With many businesses struggling to achieve pre-Covid sales levels, and the potential for unemployment to spawn a new breed of start-ups, having a customer retention plan has never been more important. Surprisingly, the most inexpensive way to grow a business is to maximise customer retention. 10 Retention Strategies to boost...

Claiming Expenses for Non-Breeding Bloodstock

Taxpayers that breed horses as part of their business can claim expenses for non-breeding bloodstock that may be used for racing. If, as part of your breeding business you have bred a colt that is subsequently gelded for racing, you will need to apply to Inland Revenue to claim further...

Cash is Not Profit and vice versa

The purpose of a business is to make money, and that means you have to know the difference between profit and cashflow. Net profit is what you have left after you deduct all your business expenses from all your revenue. You change net profit only by changing the things that...

Want to Save Money? Look at your Expenses.

Running a business will always mean incurring certain expenses, or ‘spend’. There are always costs, overheads and supplier bills that mount up – and these expenses will gradually chip away at your cash position. This can make it more difficult to grow and make a profit. So, what can you...

Support for Farmers

Farming can be tough and unpredictable. That’s why having the support - financially and holistically - is key. Here are some helpful ways you can access assistance during the ups and downs. The Farm Debt Mediation Scheme Farmers under financial strain will have access to extra support and guidance from...

Your Business Recovery Plan

As we emerge from Covid-19 restrictions, for some ‘Business as Usual’ has become ‘Business Unusual’. How do we navigate our way towards a sustainable new normal? During lockdown, we focused on crisis management. This meant activating relevant Government support packages and doing our best to make smart financial decisions. Now...

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