Self-Employed? Get the Full KiwiSaver Contribution

Written by
MBS Advisors
Published on
June 9, 2021

If you’re self-employed, you’re in charge of your KiwiSaver contributions.

KiwiSaver is not automatically deducted from your earnings if you are self-employed. You will need to decide how much you want to commit to your retirement fund, if anything, and make these contributions manually each year. The contribution payments can be easily made through your internet banking, it is your choice whether you decide to make these payments weekly or in lump sum amounts.

If you’re self-employed, why should you contribute to KiwiSaver?

If you’re self-employed two main reasons for Kiwisaver are as follows:

The Government contribution: eligible KiwiSaver members receive up to $512.43 each year. The Government will contribute 50% of what you put in over the year, up to a maximum of $512.43.

The second benefit of KiwiSaver is that the fees are relatively low, usually lower than other types of investment funds. The Government Contribution and the low fees mean it’s worthwhile for most self-employed people to contribute to KiwiSaver.

Pay in by the end of June

To get the maximum member contribution, you need to have paid in $1042.86 of contributions by June 30. It can take time for your contributions to be processed and show in your funds, therefore, you should ideally make sure your money is transferred by June 24. This will allow for sufficient processing time and ensure you receive the maximum benefits.

That’s all you need to do. You’ll automatically receive the contribution in July.


If you want to know more about contributing to KiwiSaver – whether you should join, how it’s taxed, or how much to put in – we can help.

Give us a call or send us an email, we’d love to hear from you.

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